Monday, 13 June 2011

Ten things NEVER to say to a Stay at Home Mom

A few friends have posted this on facebook lately and I'm sure we've all heard one, if not all of these comments.  Most of the time, I choose to bite my tongue but not today!  This is what I would like to say...

1. When the kids are older, do you think you'll get a 'real' job?
No, this job has the best benefits out there.  I get paid in hugs and kisses and will never be laid off.

2. How June Cleaver of you!
If only I had a cleaver right now!

3. Oh, so you don't work?
No, I don't.  Why would I consider cleaning the house, doing laundry, making meals, grocery shopping, paying the bills and taking care of three kids work. 

4. Since you have extra time on your hands, could you whip up a few dozen brownies for the bake sale tomorrow?
Sure can, and I'll make yours extra special.

5. All day with your kids? I can't even imagine
I'm sure they can't either, but I can't imagine why.  You obviously such a joy to be around.

6. I'm jealous. I wish my husband were rich so I wouldn't have to work either
You should be.  Maybe you should get a divorce and try again.

7. What do you do all day, anyway?
Can't you tell?  I do my nails, get my hair done and shop. 

8. I'm sure you're not the only one who's ever wasted money on a college degree
No, I'm sure I'm not.  After all, college obviously worked for you, that's why you're so tactful and classy.

9. That explains why your son is so clingy!
If by clingy you mean enjoys my company to those of a babysitter than yes, that explains everything.

10. Weird. I assumed your house would be superclean
Weird, I assumed you weren't such a b!$@h

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